Search Contractors
Returns contractors doing work within the given location area filtered by type of work, permit keywords, etc.. Contractors must meet all specified parameters, with multiple parameters treated as AND queries. NOTE: Contractors are ordered by the start date of the most recent permit on which they worked.
Query Parameters
Return permits that started on or after the specified date.This includes all permits with the earliest date (file, issue, or start date) that falls on or after this date. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
Return permits that started on or before the specified date.This includes all permits with the latest date (file, issue, or end date) that falls on or before this date. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
The keyword or phrase to search for in permit description.
Filter by one or more statuses: final, in_review, inactive, active.
Filter by the minimum permit approval duration in days.
Filter by the minimum project construction duration in days.
Filter by the minimum inspection pass rate.
Filter by the minimum job value.
Filter by minimum permit fees.
Filter by one or more tags.
Filter by the geolocation ID: address, city, zip code, county, etc.
Filter by property type: residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, vacant land, exempt, miscellaneous, office, recreational.
Minimum assessed market value of the property.
Minimum total building area in sq ft.
Minimum size of the property lot in sq ft.
Minimum number of property stories.
Minimum number of property units
State license board classification or other certification codes.
Filter by contractor's name or part of their name.
Filter by contractor's website. Don't include the http(s):// prefix.
Minimum lifetime job value of the contractor.
Minimum lifetime permits count.
Minimum lifetime inspection pass rate.
Filter by the contractor's license
x > 1
1 < x < 100
The list of items returned in the response following given criteria.
The next page number of the response.
The page number of the response.
The number of items returned in the response.
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